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Hi :)
Just wanted an update on this so i put it together.  

If LibreOffice is not offered as a choice then on one day i vote for Google-docs but on another i 
vote for AOO and the next for NeoOffice.  So, i alternate  The tricky one is Blackberry because 
LibreOffice is given as a choice but apparently isn't available on Blackberry.  Has anyone else got 
a system they like using?

I keep forgetting to vote every day but AOO seem to have all their people voting all the time so 
they have recovered from their initial slow start and look like they might take the lead!
Regards from
Tom :)  

From: Marc Paré <>
Sent: Sunday, 3 March 2013, 16:53
Subject: [libreoffice-marketing] "Readers' Choice Awards 2013 for Office Software"

Further to Italo's post, here is more information:

FYI, the "Readers' Choice Awards 2013 for Office Software" started on Feb. 19 and will 
end on March 19.

You may vote every 24hrs. Let's make our LibreOffice suite the office suite of choice and it 
would be nice if we won out on all categories where we appear!

To vote, you can log in with your Facebook or accounts or you can enter your email 
address in a field on the page.

Here are the details:


The "Readers' Choice Awards 2013 for Office Software" categories webpage can be found here:


[edited by Tom on 2013-03-11]

As of today, March 11[edited] 2013, LibreOffice ranking in the various "Office Software Suites" 
categories is:

Favourite Office Suite for Android: Google Docs/Apps 80% -- Quickoffice Pro HD 20%
Favourite Office Software Suite or App for iOS: Google Apps 72% -- iWork 18% -- Documents Free 9%
Favourite Office Software for Mac: LibreOffice 84% -- iWork 4% -- MSO 2% -- NeoOffice 8%
Favourite Office Software for Windows: LibreOffice 58% -- MSO 3% -- AOO 38%
Favourite Office Software for BlackBerry: LibreOffice 85% -- OfficeSuitePro 14%
Favourite Office Software for Business: MSO 3% -- Google Docs/Apps 38% -- AOO 56% -- WordPerfect 
Favourite Academic Software Suite: MSO Home and Student 9% -- Google Apps for Education 90% 
Favourite Site for Office Software Templates: LibreOffice templates 59% -- MSO templates 1% - 
OpenOffice templates 39%
Favourite Cloud Office Suite: LibreOffice, at present, does not have an official "Cloud" 
implementation, but is working on it.  There is the portable version but that is a little 
Favourite Cloud Office Suite: Google docs 80% -- MS 365  6% -- ThinkFree 6% -- NeoOffice 6% 
Favourite Office Software Company or Organization Based on Social Responsibility: 
TheDocumentFoundation 61% -- TheApacheFoundation 35% -- Microsoft 0%

Congrats to all who are voting every 24hrs. If you are not voting yet, feel free to join in. It 
will make a difference to our brand and show that we are a very committed community.



-- Marc Paré

[edit: thanks to Marc for pulling the first set of results together]

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