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Test 1
-opened theDoc.ods with password.
-made changes but didn't save them
-shut down Fedora 15--no prompt to save the unsaved document
-restarted Fedora 15--document opened w/o prompt for password; the
change was there; the 'save with password' was unchecked.
-started 'save as'--was prompted that theDoc.ods existed, did I want to
write over it?
-did regular save--now it opens w/o password.

Test 2
-opened theDoc.ods with password.
-made changes but didn't save them
-shut down Fedora 15--no prompt to save the unsaved document
-restarted Fedora 15--document opened w/o prompt for password; the
change was there; the 'save with password' was unchecked.
-Clicked to close the document--got prompt: document has been modified,
do you want to save the changes?
-Chose 'discard'
-The original document was still password protected.

Test 3
Same procedure.
This time LibreOffice opened but prompted me for the password. My
changes in theDoc.ods were not there.

Test 4
Same procedure. Same result as Test 2.

Test 5
Same procedure. Same result as Test 2.

Test 6
Same procedure.
Clicked to close and chose save when prompted. theDoc.ods is not not
password protected.

For some reason, it seems that LibreOffice is not prompting to save
unsaved document when Fedora 15 shuts down, nor is it doing a recovery.
It sometimes prompts for the password but it seems usually just to open
the unsaved document w/o a password.

(Calc--I don't know if this happens with Writer)  (I have LibreOffice in
my automatic startup list).

On Fri, 2013-02-08 at 19:58 -0500, Eric Beversluis wrote:
The first time this happened (sometime in Dec, as I recall), if I was
prompted as I was today (that the document had been changed and did I
want to save it), I would have just saved it--and only noticed later
that it was no long password-protected. Today, sensitized by the
previous experience, I looked before saving and saw that the "save with
password" was no longer checked.

If LibreOffice is somehow changing that setting accidentally (i.e.,
there's a bug somewhere), I'm not sure a notification system would solve
the problem. 

I'm going to do some experimenting and see if I can pin down exactly
when it happens--assuming it's not somehow random. (I don't use
hibernate or suspend, since for some reason Fedora 15 doesn't recover my
graphic display when I do so, so when it had occurred it has been with a

On Fri, 2013-02-08 at 16:38 -0800, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:

I'm curious what behavior you would prefer in a variety of edge cases.

 1. On a document recovery or hibernation recovery of an unsaved document, would it be all 
right to request that the password be provided again in order to reload and resume editing of a 
document that had previously been saved with password?

 2. On a "Save" or "Save As" of a saved-with-password document that was opened and edited, 
would it be appropriate to request a password again (with cancellation of the password 
supported)?  (This would remind someone that they are saving a document that was originally 
saved with password. 

 3. If a saved-with-password document that is opened and the setting to save with password is 
cleared, would you want a warning that document that was previously saved-with-password is not 
now being saved with any password?

I'm sure there are other flavors of behavior.  Do you have any preferences among those listed, 
or do you have another case you'd like to see?

 - Dennis

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Beversluis [] 
Sent: Friday, February 08, 2013 14:17
To: Tom Davies
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] document protection not working

Update: happened again today.

I shut down my Fedora 15 with LibreOffice running and the
password-protected document open (which I do often). When I restarted
the computer that document opened with a dialogue that it had been
changed and did I want to save the changes? I took a look at 'save as'
and the 'save with password' box was unchecked. Unfortunately I can't
remember what state the document was in before I shut down but I know I
wouldn't have unchecked the 'save with password' box.

I put a check into the 'Save with password' and saved-as and now it's
working right again. 

[ ... ]

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