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On Fri, 1 Feb 2013, anne-ology wrote:

      remote controls ...  ;-)
well, to me remote controls are as silly as remote auto. windows ... ... ... ;-)
I know you like joshing around, all in fun. still, being able to move 
around in a room where you are giving a presentation can add life to 
the proceedings or at least startle the nodding heads.
      yes, I like walking ... I like horses ... I like front-porch
communication ...
          and yes, I guess I'll always refer to these machines as
'glorified typewriters'; was I born a hundred years too late  ;-)
I've got two typewriters from the 20's and 30's and since I've been 
seeing your phrase about 'glorified typewriters', I've been trying to 
figure out how to do calculations on them, download videos with them 
and send what I write to remote contacts instantaneously.
guess I'd be more inclined to say the keyboard is a 'glorified 
I do love those typewriters though! but I don't miss them.


Felmon Davis

I did not believe in reincarnation the last time either.

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