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At 16:35 02/02/2013 +0200, Hylton Conacher wrote:
I have a formula below which is giving me an Err: 502 on Calc 3.4.5 when I try and calculate a currency total using a sliding scale.


That's not surprising. First, you have one more opening bracket than closing ones, so your formula just has to be wrong! Let's guess you have one too many at the beginning. And then let's simplify matters.

o There is no particular reason to use the SUM() function (though it is certainly not wrong); it is probably easier to read if you just use "+" to add values: =((IF(B6>C2;D2;0) + (IF(B6-C2)>C3;D3;0) + (IF(B6-C2-C3)>C4;sum((B6-C2)-C3)*B4;0)))

o Even after taking off the brackets that belonged to the SUM() function (and the extra one), we still have two sets of unnecessary brackets surrounding your entire expression. Let's remove those:
=IF(B6>C2;D2;0) + (IF(B6-C2)>C3;D3;0) + (IF(B6-C2-C3)>C4;sum((B6-C2)-C3)*B4;0)

o The first IF expression makes sense: the brackets include the correct range of expression elements and the result will be a numerical value. But the second IF has its opening bracket misplaced before the IF: that makes no sense, of course. Don't be confused by the opening bracket immediately after the "IF": that merely insists that B6-C2 is calculated before the ">" is evaluated. But that happens by default anyway, so the internal brackets, whilst not wrong, are probably just confusing. Let's remove those two sets and insert the bracket we really do need:
=IF(B6>C2;D2;0) + IF(B6-C2>C3;D3;0) + (IF(B6-C2-C3)>C4;sum((B6-C2)-C3)*B4;0)

o Now to the third IF expression. Goodness knows what that "SUM" is doing in there! What elements do you think it is adding together? Let's remove it:
=IF(B6>C2;D2;0) + IF(B6-C2>C3;D3;0) + (IF(B6-C2-C3)>C4;((B6-C2)-C3)*B4;0)

o Once again, we have two sets of brackets that are unnecessary - because they merely insist that something happens which would happen by default anyway - but the opening bracket for the IF() function is again misplaced in front of the IF. Let's make those corrections:
=IF(B6>C2;D2;0) + IF(B6-C2>C3;D3;0) + IF(B6-C2-C3>C4;(B6-C2-C3)*B4;0)

Does that (simpler) formula work for you? (I put spaces around the plus signs only for ease of reading; you may want to edit them out again.)

Does the same happen in newer versions of Calc?

Your original formula produces Error 508, which quite correctly observes that the brackets are mismatched.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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