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I have a formula below which is giving me an Err: 502 on Calc 3.4.5 when I try and calculate a currency total using a sliding scale.


Each IF statement outs only a single answer and all I want to do is SUM the 'IF' answers

I have Googled and tried the above IF formula in a few ways, but despite giving me a correct answer after two IF's, adding the third IF gives me a 502 error which wrecks the entire formula i.e. removing 3rd IF gives no answer. Pasting the above formula back into Calc turns many of the commas(,) into a tilde (~).

My data is so:

Units to convert to currency value(B6): 1349.31
First avail 150 units(C2) are $1.1311 each
The next avail 450 units(C3) are $1.811 each
Any units more than 600(C4) cost $1.4018 each

Work out the currency value of the units available i.e. B6 in a single cell?

This follows on from my earlier posting about calculating the total unit value obtained when units are purchased on the same sliding scale with a subject of 'Calc sliding scale formulae?' whose spreadsheet you will find on Nabble.

Help appreciated after you have stretched the brain matter. Does the same happen in newer versions of Calc?

Hylton is a Lions Club member of Lions Club of Fish Hoek (District 410A) being part of the worlds
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