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I did not remember seeing the 3rd chapter for the Base section, the last 
time I looked at the list.  That was less than two weeks ago.

On 01/14/2013 03:46 PM, Dan Lewis wrote:
On 01/14/2013 03:07 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
The docs team is currently working on 2 sets of documentation for Base. A full guide and a short(ish) handbook (this latter is being translated from the German one). Dan has just completed 2 chapters for the full guide but the team would appreciate anyone that can spare a bit of time to review the 2 chapters
Regards from
Tom :)
Pardon me, if I am being a little picky: the link you gave has 3 chapters listed (chapter 1 is published, and chapters 2 and 3 are only drafts). I must have slipped the third chapter in without anyone noticing it.

From: Dan Lewis

Completing the Base Handbook might be a good idea also. Completing it would be nice. Chapter 5 discusses queries. This is the link where this can be gotten.

My personal thinking is that chapters 2 and 3 might be easier to review for someone who has limited experience with Base because they deal with the basics. The later chapters of the Base Handbook discuss the more complex parts of Base. A working knowledge of Base is helpful for them. I'm thinking that the earlier chapters have already received reviews and at least some proofreading.
      Below is the link where my chapters can be gotten.
So, here are a couple of choices that need someone to do some work on.

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