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Hallo everyone.
Let say I have a list of my customers. Each raw consist of his/her name and the postal address (separate columns). The address is a mixture of letters and numbers. Now I would like to sort this list according to customers lactation.
As the result I get something like this (1):

TheSameStreetName 12/1
TheSameStreetName 15/1
TheSameStreetName 19A m21
TheSameStreetName 25A/2
TheSameStreetName 7/3

But I would rather expect to get this kind of list (2):

TheSameStreetName 7/3
TheSameStreetName 12/1
TheSameStreetName 15/1
TheSameStreetName 19A m21
TheSameStreetName 25A/2

Do I make something wrong? Why the list is sorted in that way (odd to me :-)? Is it possible to get the result according to list number 2? Thanks in advance for all your help.


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