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At 12:10 12/12/2012 -0500, Carl Paulsen wrote:
LO = for Mac OS 10.6
AutoCalculate is on

I'm trying to build a simple text concatenation (formula is =CONCATENATE("Dear ",Q2), though I also tried it as ="Dear " & Q2). The formula only shows as the text of the formula, not the result of the formula. Using the formula builder, it shows the correct result (in this case, "Dear Kate and Marc." It's just that the result doesn't show in the cell.
Remove the tick at Tools | Options...| LibreOffice Calc | View | 
Display | Formulas.
My Tools menu doesn't contain Options as a choice (not even grayed out), so can't adjust that.
Under Mac OS, this setting is at LibreOffice | Preferences | 
LibreOffice Calc | View | Display | Formulas instead.
Finally, when I export to csv, where I should be able to see the formula results if they are being created, I can't even open the resulting csv file with LO (or anything else I have on hand).
A CSV file is plain text, so you can certainly open it as a 
spreadsheet with LibreOffice Calc or as text with LibreOffice 
Writer.  Remember that when you save as CSV, only the active sheet is saved.
I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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