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Hi :)
Brilliant!!  Ctrl z is much easier than faffing around deleting spaces.  Alex i found the same as 
you except if i typed a space after the close brackets and maybe some more text and then went back 
to delete the space-before-the-close-brackets.  

So, now we are finding tons of ways to avoid it but i think Barry's is the best yet.  I tend to 
have a little finger hoovering over the "a" key that can easily reach the Ctrl key which moves my 
3rd-finger quite near the Z.  So, it all works really easily if you keep your fingers roughly in 
touch-typing position.  Plus it means you don't have to switch off any of the auto-correction stuff 
which can be pretty handy.  

Regards from
Tom :)  

From: Barry Say <>
Sent: Wednesday, 12 December 2012, 14:11
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: A Tale of Two Office Suites

Try this folks:

1. Type (
2. Type C
3. Type )
4. Type space
5. Previous three characters become a copyright sign automatically
6. Type ctrl-z and step 5 is undone
7. Type ctrl-z and the space is deleted.

This seems to be general behaviour throughout LO.
Automatic changes are treated as a virtual keystroke and can be undone.

Has anyone else had similar experience?


PS I've just done it again to check. - B

On 12/12/2012 02:06 PM, Alexander Thurgood wrote:
Le 12/12/12 15:01, Tom Davies a écrit :

Hi Tom,

I have to leave a space either after the opening bracket, or before the
closing bracket, in order for (c) not to be converted into the copyright
symbol. If I enter a space, close the bracket and then delete the space,
then leave that and start typing the next word, it automatically
converts that sequence back into the copyright symbol.

From reading the French mailing lists, it might be something you can
turn off in the autocorrect dialogues.


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