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W dniu 2012-12-04 18:18, Regina Henschel pisze:
Do not use the Caption wizard, but set the field manually.

My goal is to get something like that:

   |   ____                |
   |  |    | 1             |
   |  |____|               |
   |     _____________     |
   |    |             |    |
   |    |             | 2  |
   |    |_____________|    |
   |                       |
   |   __________          |
   |  |          |         |
   |  |          | 3       |
   |  |__________|         |
   |                       |

If your pictures are inside a frame, you can only use a "Number Range",
if you will reference them later on using the number. Another kind of
reference will not work. When you do not use the "Caption"-feature, then
you insert a "Number Range" by Insert > Fields > Other... > Tab
"Variables". Choose "Number Range" left, and "Illustration" in the
middle. Insert. Close.

To insert the reference in you text use Insert > Fields > Other... > Tab
"Cross References". There you find "Illustration" left, and in the
middle the number you want to refer to. Choose "Numbering" from the
bottom list.

Thank you Regina very much for the answer. I hope I understood 
correctly. Here is what I did (please correct me if I did something wrong):
I simply paste a print screen to my test document and drew few 
rectangles in front of it. Then I inserted frames (side by side, one 
rectangle – one frame, the print screen's kept in the background). 
Inside of each frame a "Number Range" was inserted (according to your 
post: Insert > Fields > Other... > Tab "Variables" and so on). In the 
end I put references to these numbers in my text.
Everything seems to work fine till I delete any of "number range" 
frames. In response to this, fields with numbers (in front of print 
screen) together with their references in the text are being updated 
The problem occurs however with a reference to the deleted frame itself. 
It's being swapped with the very next following number. In other words, 
because this fragment of text was referred to no longer existing frame, 
the number of the very next frame is taken over (i.e it refers to the 
wrong frame from now on). I'd rather expect this reference in the text 
to be deleted also (as the frame consisting number range was deleted). 
Is there any way to control this behaviour?
Kind regards,


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