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Hi Keith,

I'm sorry. I misunderstood. Thank you for correcting me.


On 11/15/2012 09:58 PM, Keith Bates wrote:

My problem is somewhat different, I think, as I have no problem viewing or printing pdfs, even the ones I have created myself. It's just the LO extension doesn't show the content on the screen- all viewers such as evince, gimp show them fine.


On 16/11/12 13:53, Don Myers wrote:

I think it is a bug in Ubuntu, or possibly cups, but it sounds very related to an issue I'm having with Ubuntu 12.10. I'm a Realtor, and we have paid access to the court house records to get deeds, assessment information, etc. To print a deed that has been selected, I can view it in Chrome or Firefox like I always did. The individual deed pages are stored as tiff images on their server. If I wanted a copy of it, I would just print it as a pdf. I would use cups-pdf. Cups would show it fetching each image, but in the final document, all of the pages are blank in Ubuntu 12.10. I tried it on a machine with Ubuntu 12.04, and everything printed fine. On 12.10 I then tried printing a hard copy with the regular printer instead of a pdf . Once again it showed it was fetching each page, but the printer printed out blank pages. So this is an issue with Ubuntu 12.10 in some manner. I filed a bug report with Ubuntu here:

Nothing has happened since then. There have been no additions to my bug report. Maybe it would be helpful if you added your problem there.


On 11/15/2012 07:01 PM, Keith Bates wrote:
I am using Ubuntu 12.10 and LO

Every month or so our church has a music practice which basically involves me reproducing sheet music and word sheets, then adding a photocopying licence number to each piece of music.

Typically I might scan 16 to 20 pages in a session. I am using the program "Simple Scan" to do this.

In the past it was straight forward to scan the music to a pdf document then use LO pdf importer to add the required text. The last few times I have tried to do this the document just opens as a series of blank pages. I know the pdf is OK because other pdf viewers show it.

I did use pdfEdit to fill the gap but this can no longer be used in Ubnuntu 12.10

Does anyone know how to resolve this? I could go back to using stickers with the required text, but using LO to add the text prior to printing is much simpler when it works.


Don C. Myers
Manager, Farm and Rural Property Division
e-PRO Certified by the National Association of Realtors
Don's Cell Phone: 814-571-9518, Don's Home Phone: 814-422-8111
Don's E-mail: <>
*RE/MAX Centre Realty
**1375 Martin Street, State College, PA 16803*
Office Phone: 814-231-8200 Fax: 814-231-8220
Visit the Farm and Rural Property Division web site at <> _ Visit the RE/MAX Centre Realty main web site at <> _
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