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2012/10/20 Luuk <>:
On 20-10-2012 17:14, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:

Once again I did it: I sent my reply directly to the OP, not to the
list. Sorry. *Sigh…*

Here's what I wrote, in case someone is interested:

  When i go to
  Tools/Macros/Organize Macros/LibreOffice Basic

  Than i see i macro called 'CallUsLeapYear' under:
  Libreoffice Macros/Tools/Misc

  First you need to move or copy it to, I think it's called ”MyMacros &

  What is the use of the macros in the place i mentioned,
  if they cannot be used directly?

I would guess that they are supposed to be called from other Basic

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

sorry for posting to the group, and not replying to you personally ;)

But indeed, if i create a new macro in 'MyMacros&Dialogs' like this:
function testleap(i)
        dim x as boolean
                If CalIsLeapYear(i) Then
                        testleap = "J"
                        testleap = "N"
                End if
end function

i can type '=testleap(2012)' in a cell
and it will return 'J'

Well, that's nice!
The first line of the function – dim x as boolean – seems to be a bit
necessary since you don't use x anyway, though.

By the way, 'J' and 'N' – is that for Ja and Nej (Swedish for Yes and No)…?

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

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