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On 10/19/2012 03:36 AM, Mirosław Zalewski wrote:
On 19/10/2012 at 03:39, Anthony Easthope <> wrote:

I was wondering what would perhaps be the best release of LO to
recommend to a small charitable organisation.
You can learn about LO release plan on

As rule of a thumb: the bigger LAST number in version number, the better. If
you aim for stability, then 3.5.7 (released yesterday) seems to be good
I am using 3.5.7.  I would say to any group to use that version instead 
of 3.6.2.  I am the tech support for a not-for-profit organization and I 
have installed the 3.5.x line on the laptop of our secretary.  I also 
have installed LO on many other laptops and desktops for users that rely 
on their software to not have any issues for them doing their work.
I have been using LO since its first release and I keep the idea of 
"suitable version for" in mind when I give a copy to a person, 
organization, or business.  Right now, 3.5.7 is the only version I will 
give out.  I made the changes in my distribution DVD to reflect the 
changes from 3.5.6 to 3.5.7.  In a few days that DVD will have its ISO 
file [so your can burn your own copy] available for download on the LO 
CD/DVD pages.  It is the LibreOffice North American Community DVD 
Project's DVD.

- - - - - - - -

There is some "movement" to call 3.5.7 the "latest Conservative Branch version".
Also we could call 3.6.2 through 3.6.4 the "Cutting Edge Branch version".

When 3.6.4 or 3.6.5 comes out, then that branch/line would become the conservative version and the new 3.7.x branch will be the cutting edge one.
I would not use any version for a business or organization till it has 
an ending of .4 or .5.
- - - - - - - -

there are many, many, dictionaries and extensions you can download to improve your experience. LO has an English spell checking dictionary, but there is one that has over 773,000 words in itwith over 140,000 reference Thesaurus included.

There are British and Canadian versions as well with over 600,000 words and built-in Thesaurus.
This is a one-page listing of all the dictionaries that I foundfor LO.

This is the official extension center for LO, where you can find many different extensions and dictionaries.

This is the Template Center

This is a list of some templates that may not be listed on the official LO pages, since some are no longer supported or available from other online sources.

Now that there was an announcement that there are over 60 million users in 100 languages, plus the French Prime Minister mentioned LO in a "speech", LO may get even more users world-wide.

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