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Hi :)
Some of that sounds more like a Database program might be more useful.  
Regards from
Tom :)

From: Samuele Zampini <>
Sent: Friday, 19 October 2012, 9:17
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Questions about LibreOffice

Dear All,

I am trying prepare a Calc file for my soccer team (to record training
sessions, matches and co)..

I have some questions:

1. as far as the conditional formatting is concerned, is it possible to say
"if a1 is empty", then the cells in the row one does not have any borders?
How can I do this?
2. is it possible to create a `calendar'? I mean: I need 12 sheets, each
corresponding to a month. Can I get this automatically?
3. Also, I have a list of players. I have a sheet call players. Is it
possible to create a sheet with the name of the player automatically as
soon as a new player is added?
4. Once I prepare my `template' how can I save it in order to make it
possible for my mates to use the file avoiding to edit it?

Thanks a lot,

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