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I am writing a long document (my thesis) using LibreOffice and I have a lot of images (more than 50 on the 200 pages that the document) have). All images were made with LO Draw. I scanned portions of the documents that I am analysing and glue them with Draw, usually put a line framing the images our group of images when it is ready I select all the objects, group them and copy/past them to writer. Until here everything works smoothly. The problem comes when I try to export the document to a doc word (which I can not avoid has it has to be read by my supervisor and she does not use LO but M$ Office). All the export goes great except for the images that are not exported and do not appear in the *doc document. Can anyone help me with this? I understand tha I can go to LO Draw, save the images as jpg and insert them in the Writer document, but if it is possible to solve this in another way that does not give me more stupid work to do I would appreciate.
Thank you all.
Orlando Figueiredo

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