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Hi :)
No-one is suggesting dropping Star Basic!  That would be a huge nightmare for many people i'm sure. 

I was just curious what might be better.  A quick look at what languages can be used for macros in 
LO reveals 4 choices;  LO Basic, Python, BeanShell, or JavaScript.  I was just wondering which was 
'best'.  Are all 4 really well implemented in LO?  I guess "LO Basic" is the Star Basic being 
referred to in this thread?  

I think Andreas was just suggesting that choosing to use Star Basic is not the best choice.  
However one of the great things about OpenSource is that you do get choices.  We can all disagree 
about almost everything and still end up co-operating with each other even if we didn't want to.  

Outside of IT choice is usually seen as a good thing.  Many countries see democracy as good and 
ostensibly give a choice of who you can vote for to rule.  In shops people would be outraged if 
there was nothing else to buy except baked beans.  People expect to be able to buy a wide range of 
diferent products from different companies and for it all to work together well enough.  Somehow IT 
seems to demand dictatorships and freedom FROM choice rather than freedom OF choice.  We don't all 
do the same things and even if we did we probably wouldn't do them the same way so it's fairly 
insane to expect 1 product and 1 company to be the only thing worth using.

I was just curious about other people's choices to help me understand more about a subject i know 
little about.  
Regards from
Tom :)

From: Walther Koehler <>
Sent: Monday, 15 October 2012, 11:43
Subject: Fwd: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: BASIC script how to read/write system files, like 
/dev/null in Linux

Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: BASIC script how to read/write system 
files, like /dev/null in Linux
Date: Montag, 15. Oktober 2012
From: Walther Koehler <>


if you drop Basic as a makro language in writer, you will drop me as a makro 
user, and maybe even as a LO user.

It gives me the freedom to automatize much of my daily tasks without learning 
another high level language.

And when I want to use GNU/Linux system functions I use extensiveley the shell 
comand, i.e. dir() is quite slow, but calling a shell script with an 
elaborate find command does the task very quick.
or: use sed to run through the odt's looking up the print date or ...

Maybe it might helt with /dev/.. too.


Although sometimes 

Am Montag, 15. Oktober 2012 schrieb Tom Davies:
Hi :)
What are 'the best' languages to choose?  Python and/or C++? or something

I know 'the best' is a bit subject to personal feelings and knowledge and
experience but it would be interesting to hear people's opinions.  From
what i can gather Python and C++ are teh best although mainstream seems to
rate Java more highly and it appears in job ads more often.  On the other
hand when jobs ask for C++ the pay-grade is far higher.  I got as far as
Speccy Basic, a little pascal and some machine code but i think that's all
soooo far behind me that i doubt i could write much even in those languages
now (&machine code was a tfn and only ever worked on the specific machine i
wrote for (at best)).  Regards from
Tom :) 

--- On Mon, 15/10/12, Andreas Säger <> wrote:

From: Andreas Säger <>
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: BASIC script how to read/write system
files, like /dev/null in Linux To:
Date: Monday, 15 October, 2012, 7:17

Am 14.10.2012 21:08, chaonis wrote:
I am trying to write scripts accessing the system files, such as
/dev/ttyS0. If I use "Open" I got the error "Device I/O error" message.
Are there any special function call needed to be done for the system
files? User permission is good as I can access to the file using any
other Linux commands.

You have so many programming languages availlable. Why StarBasic?
StarBasic is the most primitive API-caller. It is almost useless for
anything outside the UNO scope. (Apart from that, it is the worst
implementation of an extinct language).

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