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       I hope my response will also help him;
          if he clicks on that link, he should find numerous programs to do
what he wishes -

       I just hope my french didn't send him in the wrong direction  ;-)

       If anyone wishes a translation of what I wrote, let me know & I'll
attempt to translate  ;-)
           boy oh boy am I rusty ... [in French that's oxidier - quite a
bit more appropriate, don't you think  ;-)]

On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 3:08 AM, Tom Davies <> wrote:

Hi :)
I often grumble so this time i wanted to draw attention to some excellent
behaviour on the users list.  Most times, in most projects, a question
written in anything other than English on an 'International' list illicits
a lot of telling-off from various people.

I think this time the response was unusually excellent.
1.  There is a direct link so the person can copy&paste their question to
the right list easily
2.  That message is translated so the list understands the action taken
3.  There is a neat translation of the question so the list can understand.
So, now if someone does know the answer to the question they can answer in
English (or French) and we can take it from there.

This raises the bar significant;y.  It makes our list look like an
extremely professional customer support list.
Regards from
Tom :)

From: Jean-Francois Nifenecker <>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] pcl overlay
Date: Wednesday, 10 October, 2012, 8:53

Hello Hervé,

[EN version follows]

Le 10/10/2012 09:24, a écrit :

je souhaite avoir un fond de page en overlay
avec word on peut utiliser un champ "imprimer" et y mettre une sequence
comment faire avec LibreOffice

cette liste est anglophone. Les questions doivent donc y être posées en
anglais. Il existe également une liste francophone :


This list is english-speaking, thus you should ask questions here in
English. There exists a francophone list:

Here's a translation of Hervé's question (which I don't understand ;)
8< -------------------------------------------------
I wish to get an overlaid page background.
With Word one may use a "print" field and set a PCL sequence there.
How can I do this using LibO?
------------------------------------------------- >8

Best regards,
-- Jean-Francois Nifenecker, Bordeaux

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