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Am 07.10.2012 05:53, robertjm wrote:
Hi all,

Sorry for the subject being confusing, but that's the best way I could
describe it.

I'm working with Avery 5384 Name Badge labels. These has six spots per page. 

I set up a layout in the upper left-hand "label", and then clicked
synchronize to make sure all the labels contained the same layout. 

Since I have 150 records, I expected to create 25 pages (6 unique labels per
page). However, when I complete the mail merge, I get 150 pages (one
duplicate label in all six positions).

I'm sure it's something really simple I'm overlooking here as this is my
first time venturing into making labels from a database.

Here's a link to the .odt file, though I'm not sure if looking at it will

Put the cursor behind the <Last Name>.
Tab: Database
Field type: Next Record

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