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I am going to stick my head above the parapet and say it should have an
embedded database functionality that is secure and reliable. That is an
essential requirement for entry-level users that have only ever used Access.

On 5 October 2012 13:34, Pertti Rönnberg <> wrote:

Hi everybody,

I agree with Mark.

The question itself is interesting but an answer does not explain anything

Let us turn the question around:how many people should use LO-Base if
there was a LibO-version available that is ready to use, reliable, and free
of problems (bugs).


 its installing instructions should be complete, consequent, and placed
in one easy to find place
 the program's every single detail should work  -- functions, features,
processes at a level (e.g.) similar to MSAccess (2003) --the ability to
build decent reports included (and the embedded db-engine and its guides
up-dated and supported)

 the guiding documentation (& help) should be logic, understandable and
in every detail correlating with the program
With the exception of heavy industrial systems the need and possibilities
of up to medium complex databases in everyday life at home are unlimited --
only limited by the decision to start creating.

There are really nothing difficult in creating such "home databases"-- no
need to be an "Einstein", if only good guidings are available. Creating
database applications is also a very interesting form of brain training --
and the feeling when succeeding is a "yippee". If you know how to use
Writer/Word and Calc/Excel (esp. as "databases") you are almost half way.
What you still has to do is to study and learn some few basic theories
about and how to create the tables and the queries(experiment manually, not
with wizards, if you want to learn and understand);creating the forms and
the reports is just a matter of following instructions.

If you want LibO to be a popular competitor to MSO (& MSAccess), then the
rest is only a question of marketing.

As far as I have experienced LibO-Base (v. 3.4.5), there are only a few
details left to fixed before LibO should be almost perfect.

About contributing

A basic rule in quality systems (ISO9000) is that if you want improvement
you must first identify the problems (faults, weaknesses) -- and then
follow up by a plan and an improving activity.

LibO might be a very fine and usable suit -- especially if also its Base
module (docs included) should work properly, at least as promised in

Mr Dan Lewis is doing a good and valuable work when updating and
completing the Base's documentation and it is obvious that without any help
his project will take a long time.

Last winter I started to read and follow up experimenting Dan's docs with
the intension to send my comments as points of views. And hadquite a lot
already done.

At this list I several times also mentioned some quite basic
problems/faults both in Base's docs and especially in the modules's

I never got any kind of response, I don' t know if my proposals were
noticed, nor do I know if the mentioned things have been fixed.

So I skipped working any further on experimenting LibO-Base and its docs.
(I am now back to OO and tries to learn MySQL)

You may take this as some sort of a contribution too.

Best regards

Pertti Rönnberg

On 4.10.2012 18:04, Mark Stanton wrote:

Question:  How many people do you know use Base, or have tried to use

Whilst there is some quite valid criticism of Base, I don't think
this question says as much about Base as it does about the general usage
of databases.  They are less familiar than word processors, spreadsheets
drawing packages.


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