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       Ok, thanks, I'll try it using Chrome - I've been using FireFox.

       The problem has been some box which does not seem to appear anywhere
            some 'math problem' with a 'box for an answer' to prove I'm not
a robot
               [I've encountered these on other sites, but have not been
able to locate it on this site  ;-( ]

On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 5:43 PM, Mas <> wrote:

On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 4:54 PM, anne-ology <> wrote:
       ... how were you able to log-in and get your names posted on that
               what am I doing wrong?

From: anne-ology <>
Date: Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 3:43 PM
Subject: query re. volunteering w/ LO
Cc: Joel <>

       Back when I received this response [2nd below], I attempted to
follow these steps -
           but found that #1 is impossible; there is no 'math' problem
which is to be answered in order to log-in  [WHERE is this to be found?]
       Therefore, the log-in merely goes round and round, stating this
error, yet never explaining HOW to correct this error  ;-(

       After trying - and with the same results - half a dozen times, I
wrote this Joel back - [1st below]
           a few days later, he finally responded but ONLY to having
received my e-mail, rather than responding to HOW to log-in.

       When I initially offered to help, I did so in good faith, yet now
I'm thinking that either that initial letter and/or his response was some
           I'm asking this list for their thoughts and possibly an
explanation to this;
              I happened to notice that some from this list, were listed
that log-in page  ;-)

From: anne-ology <>
Date: Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 10:04 AM
Subject: Re: Triaging
To: Joel Madero <>

       I've been attempting to sign in -
          clicking on the URL in #1 below only to uncover various
              the latest and most consistent is probably due to not
answering some math question -
                 I've clicked on each link on this page yet have not
located the problem nor the blank to fill in???

       I don't understand.

On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 12:50 PM, Joel Madero <>

Hi! First thanks for responding to our call for volunteers, we really
appreciate the help :)

I was hoping that you could start by doing two things:

1. Go here,
and add your name and what not to the list so that we can easily see

2. Go here,
pick a sheet, and start triaging as much as possible. Right now our
project in QA is getting FDO under control, starting with the backlog
about 850 bugs that are older than 30 days and haven't been touched.

I update that sheet somewhat regularly so at times you'll see your
gone and you'll have to reassign yourself another one. I'll hopefully
doing that this afternoon at some point but feel free to start whenever
have the time. If you have any questions don't hesitate to email me or
me on gchat/skype/etc...

Thanks again,

You will need to sign into the wiki and add your name to the list on the

Once you have done this , please open the Google Docs spreadsheet and
select a tab to add your name to it. I recommend using Google Chrome to
access the google docs page

hope this helps

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