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On 2012-10-03 22:41, Gordon Burgess-Parker wrote:
On 02/10/12 19:38, Tim Deaton wrote:
I don't think we need to remove existing features. But I DO think we need to focus on the "90% of average users". Basically, I think LO should be making sure it can do everything that MS Office 97 (15-year-old software) could do, and do it just as well and just as easily. If LO could do THAT, it would eat Microsoft's lunch.
Absolutely agree. Most of the "functionality" that MS has added to Office 2007/2010 has been geared towards the corporate collaborative user, which certainly in my experience (and I have to say my last corporate job was over ten years ago so the playing field may well have changed in this respect) wasn't a key factor in usage, and certainly has never been in the SOHO sector. I believe that Office 2013 is even more aimed at "cloud" and "collaborative" usage - although it's highly probable that I shan't ever find out! One of the problems that I've come across is that my daughter uses LO and "sends as" MS Office 97-2003 documents when emailing. It appears that her recipients get gobbledy-gook so I need to find out what's happening there because that shouldn't happen. IMHO LO is every bit as good as MS Office 97, but then that wasn't a particularly good iteration of MS Office! I think the aim should be to match Office 2003, which still seems to be the current standard by which Office suites are measured. (The very large international company my Wife works for are still on 2003......)
Yes, I need to look deeper at LO and "sends as" or "Save as" MS Office 97-2003 documents as my kids are complaining their LO docs from home ("sends as" or "Save as" MS Office 97-2003) are not opening properly in MO2010 at school. May be MO are doing this to force users to docx and break compatibility with LO.

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