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Following problem:

- I am using LibreOffice on Kubuntu 12.04.
- I am using a English US locale where the decimal separator is the period.
- when I copy these three numbers out of this text box:


  and paste them into Calc cells B2:B4 with the following settings

- Separated by tab
- Text delimiter = nothing
- Field/column type: Standard

  then they are pasted in but

- as you can see in the attachment calc1.png , when the field category
is changed to Text
- thus, the summing in the status bar upon highlighting does not work
- cell C5, which computes the average of B2:B4 says Div/0.

This is already annoying enough but if I then change the Category to
"Number", then

- the numbering stuff still doesn't work but
- the content of the cells B2:B4 is changed: now the numbers are in
there with a single quote preceding them, still rendering them text
(see attachment calc2.png).

(i) Why can't I just paste numbers into Calc and have them be
recognized as numbers or,
(ii) if Calc is dumb enough to treat them as text although I say Field
category: General, why can't I at least get them to work as numbers
when I format the cells as numbers and not have a stupid quote in
there messing things up?

On Windows, this seems too work, but on Kubuntu 12.04 it does not

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