On 14-07-12 10:56, Andrew Brager wrote:
Greetings to you all. I'm new to Libre Office.
I'm wondering if there's a way to duplicate/replace attributes from one
paragraph to another in so that they are formatted identically.
A frequent problem for me (typically when I copy & paste from elsewhere)
is that two sentences/paragraphs just won't line up properly (perhaps
even in a numbered list), I assume due to various formatting reasons
including different fonts, sizes, tabs, margins, alignment, and/or
anything else that might affect placement and display on the page. They
seem to be the same in the original source as far as I can tell, but
once copied and pasted to a document in Libre some of the paragraphs
seem to get out of wack.
Trying to apply the exact same attributes to the paragraph or sentence
that's out of wack just doesn't seem to work - probably because I don't
know what attributes have been applied and/or simply don't know how to
get the same effect in a consistent way.
Perhaps there is an "attribute tree" mode so that I can see what set of
attributes has been applied? Either just plain text or perhaps through
a graphical representation maybe? I guess I don't need to see it if I
can simply apply from one to another - sort of like the eye dropper from
a paint program copies the color from one spot so you can apply the same
color to another spot only here instead of color, it would be text
placement & display attributes.
Thank you in advance.
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- Re: [libreoffice-users] No help in LO (continued)
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