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Hi :)
Pdf is a fairly universal format and most people already have soem version of Adobe Reader on their 
machine because Pdf and Adobe are  so widespread.  There are better Pdf readers such as Foxit (also 
free) or OpenSource ones.  LibreOffice can read Pdf but editing them is tricky so it's best to keep 
an original in an OpenDocument Format such as Odt.  Foxit is very fast compared to the Adobe one 
and doesn't keep demanding you upgrade it but like i say most people already have an Adobe Reader 

Pdf tends to be downloadable rather than viewed and filled-in on a web-site.  

Perhaps you are looking for an html answer?
I'm not sure what you need on the server-side in order to keep track of the input.  It's one of 
those things i have managed to avoid needing so far but i really should get to grips with it as i 
am fairly sure our web-hosts already have everything we need just waiting to be used.  

Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Wed, 20/6/12, JenS8 <> wrote:

From: JenS8 <>
Subject: [libreoffice-users] We want to create a questionnaire...
Date: Wednesday, 20 June, 2012, 2:10


We want to create a questionaire that people can fill out on their
computer and email back to us when complete.

How can we create a document with the following properties:

1. When person clicks on a blank, they can type in their answer, and
the "underline characters" [ _______ ] don't move to the right
2. We want some parts of the form to be uneditable. For example, the
headers, the instructions, the text that says what we expect in every
3.The document can be saved when completed, or even when partially completed
4. Check-boxes can be clicked on
5.Radio buttons (multiple choice) can be clicked on
6.The document is universal:
   a. People using Windows, Mac, Linux, Playbook, tablets can work on the
   b. People don't have to download a special program to fill the form

Thank you very much.

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