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And yes - has fixed the problem. I can now play videos again.
Good news - I need it for tomorrow morning!

Only if you are using an .avi, right? Have you tried with an mp4 or mov
on Windows (note: all work in linux w/gstreamer)?

I built a test .odp (Windows) with slides for each: .mp4, .mov, and .avi:

- .mp4 works
- .avi works
- . mov does not work (gives 'The format of the selected file is not
supported'. (I also tested with a prebuilt/working .odp where the .mov
did work (linux), so it's not the .mov).

I only _test_ LO in Windows, so it could be (most likely?) that I simply
haven't got the system configured the way LO likes it for .mov's.
Also see:

Thanks for that - I have tried with mp4 in the past - just got an
error message, so for some time I have converted all videos to .avi.
But 3.5.3 crashed the whole thing, something which for me has now been
fixed in 3.5.4.


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