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jjs wrote:
i don't know why but when you make a document, starting with just a blanc
You put in text and in between some pictures. Then it looks ok.

When you save it in docx or odt format and then re-open it, it is a totall
mess. aaaaaaaHrrggg!

it totally does not remember were you placed the picture.
It places thru the document and even on top of each other.
How come this happens, this is really a big bug to me.
I never have it at my job were MS Office is used and were the same actions
are used.

Thanks for helping. btw i use 3.4.4


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Perhaps you should anchor you pictures when you insert them.
My way to do this:
1) When I complete the paragraph before the place for a picture to be inserted, I use the Enter key to create an empty
     2) I insert the picture.
3) I right click the picture to open a context menu, selecting Anchor > As Character. 4) I use the Enter key again to go to the beginning of the next paragraph before adding more text.
     This works for me for documents containing over 15,000 
words and at least 50 pictures.
      And remember, no two office suites are going to do 
things the same way. What works well for one may not work 
very well at all for another. (You have different people 
writing the code for the programs meaning they have 
different ideas as to how their program should work.)

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