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Le 10/05/2012 02:51, The Wolfkin a écrit :
another quick one. by default Calc doesn't print the grid or column/row
headers. For everyone for whom I suggest LibreOffice this is a huge
problem. Is there a way to change settings by default?

Speaking of default settings.. on a slightly more off topic. Is there a
way, for instance write a small script, to save a series of settings? When
I install LibreOffice on someone's computer I got thru a the same series of
steps to ensure the smoothest transition. This includes things like
changing the default file saving format. Perhaps turning the autocorrect
off (oddly most of the people I know would be grateful to remove the
squiggle they've just never known it was an option before), and stuff like

The current user settings are stored in the
/home/(username)/.libreoffice/3/user directory (under linux)
/Document & settings/(username)/libreoffice/3/user (under Windows XP).

If you save the /user subdirectory then copy it over to any other users' account, you'll certainly achieve what you're looking for: a uniform setting for all users. I do this everyday and it has always been working ok for me.
BTW, this answers both of your questions.

Jean-Francois Nifenecker, Bordeaux

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