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Hi :)
It's good to hear about people experiences especially when kept neat and short but i doubt i "told" 
or instructed or tried to 'force' anyone to do anything.  

I might have suggested using newspapers or magazines to promote your project by inviting reporters 
to an event or to invite them to interview you about some aspect of your project. People generally 
think that to advertise their product they have to pay for advertisement space but the chances are 
that if you have a good news story then the press might be interested in writing a story about it.  
It's cheaper and more likely to be read&remembered.  

Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Wed, 9/5/12, Tony Sumner <> wrote:

From: Tony Sumner <>
Subject: [libreoffice-users] My story
Date: Wednesday, 9 May, 2012, 9:09

A while back Tom asked people to tell their stories so this is mine. 

I started with a project to create an application using a DBMS to
manage our local currency. This would be used by relatively basic
users who would almost certainly want to use Windows. I already had a
working knowledge of MySQL and I knew how to use that to do all the
admin tasks but I needed a GUI to do data entry and report writing. So
I started by trying to connect LO to MySQL with the ODBC connector.
After a lot of reading I installed the MyODBC connector, created a
driver and a DSN amd LO said "Can't find driver" or something like
that. I thought I'd try it in Linux to get the hang of it before
settling down to work in Windows and this gave me "Can't find library"
or something like that. Then I found that LO will connect to MySQL
directly without the need for a connector so I tried that and it
worked. But this facility is not available in Windows.  OOo does have
the facility to connect directly to MySQL in Windows so at last I can
get on with the project. OOo does what I want and OOo Base is pretty
much like LO Base so I'm afraid it is goodbye LO.

Been good to know you


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