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Hi :)
Crashes often seem to be due to a wrong version of java but i can't imagine java being called for 
that sort of thing.  Mac users especially should make sure they have the ultra-latest version.  It 
is possible for most people to get the pre-release version of java 1.7u4 but i think it's tricky 
for Mac users.  Pre-release means less malware but not necessarily completely malware free in java 
these days.  

1.  Java is a bit of a nightmare and best avoided if possible and it mostly is avoidable in LO.  
Tools - Options - Java
and then uncheck the box to make sure LO doesn't use java.  If it does need it for soemthing you 
are doing (perhaps an Extension/Add-on or maybe a wizard or Base might need it) then it generally 
just grumbles and lets you install or re-tick the box in order to carry on.  I don't think people 
have lost any data but it might be best to back-up files (perhaps just do a quick copy of the file) 
until you feel comfortable.  

2.  Could you rename your UserProfile to see if that stops the problem from happening?  Renaming 
the UserProfile removes any Extensions/Add-ons that might be lingering from previous installs or 
picked-up from a version of or maybe one of the other forks such as IBM's Lotus 
Symphony, that may have been on your machine at some point in the past.  It also sets all the 
settings "back to factory defaults" (which may be different from the settings just after a fresh 
install).  This is the fastest and easiest "quick fix" for most problems.  

3.  Please let us know which verion of LibreOffice and which platform (ie just Windows or not is 
usually enough but if you can be a bit more specific that helps).  Click on the Help menu in LO and 
choose "About" to find the version of LO if you don't already know.

4.  Install the official TDF version of LibreOffice directly from the official LibreOffice website
preferaby use the sentence at the top ("Change sytem, version or language) to get the more stable 
3.4.6 and then come back to the 3.5.3 if you can first at least get the more stable version 
working.  The 3.5.3 has tons of extra features but does sometimes run into problems.  

5.  Reporting possible bugs to forums and mailing lists is a good idea just to check if it really 
is a bug or "just something a bit wonky" but fixable.  However you might want to file a proper 
bug-report in which case these 2 links both get the same end-result
But these are really for the "upstream" version directly from the official LibreOffice website and 
you might want to post against a specific version of Gnu&Linux, such as Ubuntu's bug-tracker system 
in Launchpad

Regards from
Tom :) 

--- On Thu, 3/5/12, Dan Lewis <> wrote:

From: Dan Lewis <>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Inserting comment causes Impress to close without warning
Date: Thursday, 3 May, 2012, 13:00

On Thu, 2012-05-03 at 04:20 -0700, chimak111 wrote:
LibreOffice Build ID: 350m1(Build: 202) on Ubuntu 12.04. As soon as
one clicks Insert, Comment, Impress closes without any visible error.
Instead of using the mouse, even the keyboard combination of control+Alt+C
is enough to cause the problem.
Reported here:
and some subsequent posts

View this message in context:
Sent from the Users mailing list archive at

     I read what you linked. Computers are complex things: a combination
of hardwares and software. Even LO is not to be excluded in this. There
are a variety of builds for 32 bit and 64 bit. Then the differences for
a variety of OS's. All of these are available at the LO website. Then
there are the repositories for each of the OS's. Yes, there are plenty
of places for bugs to appear.
    In the past, some people relying on their OS's repository for their
OOo and reporting problems that others could not verify using the
version coming from the OOo website. At least some of them solved their
problem by replacing OOo using the OOo website version.
    So, this is a possibility in your case as well. (The LO website
version might work better on your computer.) Or, 12.04 might not be
quite ready for prime time.
    (Recently I upgraded a MacBook from Ubuntu 11.10 to 12.04. Now when
I log out of a standard user to one with administrative privileges, I
get a continuing stream of error messages involving settings. Perhaps
this might be caused by not doing a clean install. It seems that we all
have our problems.)


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