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Hi :)

It is a briliant idea. Possibly better than the idea of having single language versions or an 
American English and then a language-pack for whichever language, as we have in Gnu&Linux versions 
of LibreOffice.  I think the problem with the idea of just having 2 modules is that the whole LO 
Suite is very tightly integrated so there would not really be as much reduction in size as you 
would expect.

There is another Office Suite, sometimes called "Gnome Office", which does have separate programs; 
one "AbiWord" for wp (7.9Mb) and one "Gnumeric" for spreadsheets (17.3Mb).
Gnumeric seems to have a couple of features that Calc doesn't but mostly they lack features and 
rely on being even faster on even lower spec machines.  So they capture a similar niche to 
Google-docs, except that you have to be online to use Google-docs and Gnome Office installs 
directly to your hard-drive so you can access it even if you are offline.  

The OpenOffice download is only 144Mb, which surprised me!  I know a lot of work has gone into 
reducing the size of the code and taking out ancient comments that have mostly become irrelevant.  
So the code has reduced by about 30%.  I guess it's all the extra languages that brings the size 
back up again. 

If you have trouble downloading at home is there a friendly cybercafe owner that would allow you to 
download using their machines?  They might appreciate having an alternative to the ridiculously 
heavy and bloated, expensive malware attraction that people like to call MS Office.  Or at a local 
library or college or something?  Some people do produce Dvds containing a lot of extra software 
and interesting features and add-ons/Extensions.  If you are in the USA an excellent one is the NA 
(North American) Dvd Project.  The German community produce another and there is probably at least 
1 in Brasil, other community groups probably produce ones too.  It's a bit weird getting something 
like that by snail-mail but you often end up with an attractive package.  

Regards form
Tom :)

--- On Tue, 1/5/12, Daniel Morgan <> wrote:

From: Daniel Morgan <>
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Basic Package of LibreOffice to Download
Date: Tuesday, 1 May, 2012, 14:06

I noticed the Windows Installer for LibreOffice 3.5.2 is 202MB which takes a while to download.

Is it possible to have a "lite" version of LibreOffice that only includes 
the word processor and spreadsheet?  The other LibreOffice apps I do not use.

I understand the windows installer can allow me to pick and choose what 
apps I want to install, but this is after I have downloaded the big 
Windows Installer.

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