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A long time ago I had to configure all the printers for OO/SO with spadmin. Are you calling spadmin as root?

On 2012-04-30 03:30, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
I think various questions in here have shown that LO uses some different system for printers and pretty much ignores whatever is set-up for the OS. Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Sun, 29/4/12, Jay Lozier<>  wrote:

From: Jay Lozier<>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Printing in
Date: Sunday, 29 April, 2012, 16:21

On 04/29/2012 02:10 AM, Bob Melson wrote:
Just installed as an update in FreeBSD (8.3, AMD64 and i386) and
am unable to configure printers following the LibreOffice help page for
installing printers under unix.  As well, there is no default printer.
What printer is configured in the OS? Normally, the printer is
configured in the OS and is available to all apps.

I use Linux MInt and my printer is configured in the OS not LO.
Following the help page instructions, I have gone to
<install-path>/libreoffice/program and have attempted to run spadmin.
Doing so, I receive an error message (message panel) telling me that no
printers can be installed because the file system is read-only, but no
indication what filesystem it's referring to.  So, where do I look or,
better yet, what do I do to get my printers configured?

I've been told, informally, that LO has gone from supporting lpd/lp
printing to a cups-only regime.  If so, I suggest that this is a major
blunder since cups is not appropriate for many situations - small
installations with few users, desktops with attached printers, etc.
What's the truth here?
I believe CUPS is from Apple and is supported by Linux distros and
Apple. My understanding is this is more of an OS issue than an App issue
Bob Melson

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