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On 21/04/2012 10:48, Alexander Thurgood wrote:
1) Remove the links that you added to the Classpath parameter to :

LO already knows where to find them. From what you describe as your
actions, you added them again to the classpath, and that is
possibly/probably what is causing LO to moan.

2) After removing the links to those files, restart LO.

3) Do not open your old ODB file in LO Base yet, i.e. the one you want
to migrate over to using the hsqldb2 engine.

4) Follow Andreas' instructions from point (3) onwards :
Thanks Alex..... but 'No Go' I'm afraid!!!

I ONLY added the ONE path to the class like you say but I removed it and re-started LO and did it again. After another re-start I STILL get the same error message when I try to start a new Database.

I'm working this way because Base screwed-up my original DB so badly (which is why I decided to make a change). The original .odb file is such a mess. In looking for an alternative I've been working with Kexi and spent days correcting and editing my table in this program. It's very good but I have discovered a few flaws - the main one being a TOTAL LACK of support!!!!

So my plan is to get Base working with the external HSQLDB2 engine, recreate my Table layout and then export my corrected table from Kexi in .csv format and import it into the new Base layout. Hope you follow me.

Thanks for the kind help.

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