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Am 19.04.2012 14:34, R.S. wrote:
Hi, although it colud be possible, the installation program registers on
the registry the same associations.

So what? There can be many programs to open a certain type of files. But only one program that loads a given file on a double-click. On my Linux laptop I have 5 different viewers and editors for the same types of picture files. I don't know the amount of multi-media players on my system. Not all of them appear in the main menu.

I have OOo 1.1.5, 3.3, 3.4, LibO 3.3.4 and 3.5.2 on the same machine. That is 5 versions of the same office suite. I removed OOo 2.4.3 by mistake recently. Of course, only one particular version will be used when I double-click some ODF document. A double-click on a Microsoft file opens in AbiWord or Gnumeric respectively. I am the one who controls all these most trivial settings and I know many ways to load some file into a particular application. The foremost purpose of any desktop environment is free choice between all the installed applications. Someone who is unable to load the same file into another application is definitively computer illiterate and should do something against it.

If you have encountered crashes with
Libreoffice try using version 3.4.6.
I prefer using Libreoffice because it is more efficient and it has a lot
of functions that are not included in OpenOffice.

Try another user profile and install properly[*]. Contrary to re-install and version hopping, resetting the profile really helps in many cases.

[*] A proper installation includes an md5sum check of the downloaded file before installation. On a Windows box one should cut off the internet connection and disable the virus scanner during the install process. Disable any update notification and the nasty quick-starter.

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