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On 4/19/2012 10:18 AM, webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote:
I really do not think having LO and AOO on the same computer works
properly for most users.


Yes, you can have LO and AOO installed on the same computer.
No, you cannot run both at the same time.
No, it is not something that works well for most users.

I disagree with this. Well, in part.

I have OOo 3.1, LibO 3.4 (the Calc filter bug makes 3.5 unusable for
me), and IBM Lotus Symphony all installed on the same computer and I've
had all three running at once, and never encountered any problems. (Why
did I have all three running at once? Well, basically, to see if I would
encounter any problems!)

LO is well beyond what AOO is at, and LO people have cleaned out so
much of the old/bad/outdated code that it would be a real catch-up act
for AOO to give you the same features and such that LO have given us
since mid-3.3.x line. I use 3.4.6, but will got to 3.5.x when it get
some of its issues fixed that are specific for my needs.

This I agree with whole-heartedly!

- -- 
Steven Shelton
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