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Hi :)
Making a stand and using Save As to convert documents from DocX to Doc also pleases users still 
stuck on older versions of MS Word as it saves them the expense of "upgrading" to 2007 or 2010 and 
the resulting retraining costs to use the 'lovely' ribbon-bar.  

MS carefully lobbied to have the DocX given ISO standards status but none of their products 
actually use that standard properly in their 2007 or their 2010 despite using the same name.  This 
is reminiscent of the whole Rtf issue which resulted in court-cases that MS eventually lost or 
settled out of court or something.  

LibreOffice devs are busily trying to use the different formats used by MS Office 2007 and 2010 on 
their various platforms (slightly different for each apparently) but that is involving rewriting to 
make the implementation less like  the ISO standard.
Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Tue, 27/3/12, Andreas Säger <> wrote:

From: Andreas Säger <>
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: LibreOffice-created Word document won't open normally in Windows 
Date: Tuesday, 27 March, 2012, 14:50

Am 27.03.2012 15:00, kd5 wrote:
LibreOffice works great with Windows XP. If I create a document using
LibreOffice, 'Save As' Word 2007/2010 .docx, then go to My Documents and
double-click on the saved document, LibreOffice Writer will open the
document perfectly.

Please, please, please!
Never ever save as docx. This file format does not work with anything but WinWord. "OOXML" had been 
designed to fight the ODF standard with something absurdly complex with "open" and "office" in the 
name. Therefore these file formats should be ignored entirely. As long as WinWord supports .doc, 
there can not be any technical reason why a third party application should write .docx as long it 
is able to write .doc fairly well.

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