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W dniu 2012-03-25 12:56, webmaster for Kracked Press Productions pisze:
On 03/25/2012 05:03 AM, Łukasz Janik wrote:
W dniu 2012-03-25 10:24, Johnny Rosenberg pisze:
Den 25 mars 2012 10:02 skrev Łukasz Janik<>:
and, finally, will improve the Java 3.5.x libreoffice 7 to be compatible
I'm sorry, I don't quite follow you. Seems that most of your text is
missing, doesn't it?

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

czy wreszcie poprawicie libreoffice 3.5.x pod javę 7, żeby był kompatybilny
Łukasz "Pikaczu" Janik
GG: 1453844


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I can not finish installing the extension office for libre. at the end of the installation the message "Could not create Java Implementation Loader". in all extensions. I java 7th. and in Java 6 works well.
You are still not clear on what you are trying to do.

Which version of LibreOffice are you trying to install? Which operating system?
LO 3.4.6?  LO 3.5.1?  or a different version?
Windows XP?  Vista? Win7?
32-bit or 64-bit?

We need to know these things to try to help you better.

Are you installing LibreOffice on Windows, or you have it installed and you are trying to install an extension to LibreOffice [like installing Writer's Tools or Pagination].
As far as I know, Java 6 works well and needs to be installed before 
you install LibreOffice.
Also, many people seem to have trouble if they have Java 7 installed.

If you are trying to install the LibreOffice package, please remove Java 7 and reinstall Java 6 so it will be the default one. Then LibreOffice should have no problems installing.
Then you should also be able to install any extension after you make 
sure LibreOffice shows your version of Java in its proper place.  That 
place is "Tools / Options / Java".  Also make sure the check mark is 
in the box for "Use a Java runtime environment"
My system shows a black dot next to Java version 1.6.0_26, which is 
Java 6 update 26.  IT also shows version 1.6.0_20, but that black dot 
is not showing it as the version I will be using.


I have vista 32 bit. I lo 3.5.1. I also have xp 32 bit and java 7, and there it works well. or do not improve?
Łukasz "Pikaczu" Janik
GG: 1453844


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