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Le 17/03/12 13:00, Carson Chittom a écrit :

Hi Carson,

LibreOffice 3.5.0 is unusably slow for me on my laptop, which is running 
OS X 10.6.8, with *considerable* delays between a keypress and the character
actually showing up on the screen.  (Admittedly, this is a four-year-old
machine, but it's run Microsoft Office 2008 and 2011 and older versions of reasonably well.)  This occurs in every LibreOffice
application.  If the problem is on my end, where can I start
troubleshooting to figure out where exactly it lies?  If the problem is
with LibreOffice, will upgrading to 3.5.1 solve my issue?  What else can
I do?

An indication of the specs of your machine might help us, as well as the
version of Java you have installed.

Also the folder where you installed the package
(although this shouldn't really make a difference, unless you are
running it from a network folder) ?


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