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On 03/13/2012 08:47 AM, Cliff Scott wrote:
** Reply to message from James Knott<>  on Tue, 13 Mar
2012 08:18:20 -0400

Brian Barker wrote:
At 00:56 13/03/2012 -0400, Doug McGarrett wrote:
The "absolutely" correct spelling of the word naïve has the two dots,
known in English as a dieresis, or in German as an Umlaut, indicating
a change in sound, rather than a diphthong.
For what it's worth, the German for "diaeresis" appears to be "Trema".
The umlaut looks the same, but it's a different mark: it is an accent,
whereas the diaeresis is (as you describe) also a diacritic but not an

Brian Barker

For those who are interested, it's possible to generate the various
special characters by using the U.S. International keyboard. With it,
you can use the right Alt key to create those characters, such as ü, á,
, £, € etc. The left Alt key works as usual.
Pardon my ignorance, but could you describe how that works or where one would
find out that information? Thanks.


I don't think the right alt key works "out of the box" --you'd have to
modify it to be a Compose key.  You could also make the right ctrl key
to be Compose, or the right Microsoft key, if your k/b has one.  In
Linux, there's usually a command somewhere that will make a compose
key; in Windows, you can download a freebie called "AllChars" which
does the almost same thing. (The key will still work as Ctrl for other

The way it works:  You momentarily hit Compose, then fairly quickly in
succession you hit the letter you want to modify and something that
looks like the mark you want to modify it with.  (The order of the
letter and the mark doesn't matter.)  You can get all the usual
European diacritical marks, plus the €, the ¥ the £, the ¢, the
German ß, and ½, ⅓, ¼, °, Greek ų and probably a few things I
forgot. The ß and the ° are made by striking the desired key twice
after Compose. The fractions by  Compose 1 2, and so on.

The compose key will work for virtually any test, including the
console, email, LO, whatever you have.


Blessed are the peacekeepers...for they shall be shot at from both sides. --A.M. Greeley

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