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On 01/03/12 02:05, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
It might be worth renaming your User Profile
It would be great to save a copy somewhere safe and far away from where LO will look for it, perhaps in your "My Documents" folder. Hopefully the 3.4 will start up just fine after that but you will need to copy-back the templates and maybe a few other things from your old UserProfile to the new one that automatically gets generated. If that hasn't worked try fully uninstalling LibreOffice again, reboot (especially if using Windows) and then re-install the 3.4.5. Again you will need to copy the templates and stuff back from the copy you made into the new one that got generated in the previous paragraph.
Regards from
Tom :)
Hi Tom,

I managed to get 3.4.4 working after several attempts at re-installing.

I don't know what the problem was with 3.5. I guess I'll just have to wait for a later version.

--- On Wed, 29/2/12, Keith Bates<>  wrote:

From: Keith Bates<>
Subject: [libreoffice-users] LO 3.5 Templates
Date: Wednesday, 29 February, 2012, 1:09

I made a big mistake this morning.

I upgraded to 3.5- I'm using Ubuntu 11.10. Installed from the libreoffice ppa

I discovered early that it won't print multiple copies.

I tried to revert to 3.4 by removing 3.4 and re-installing. It wouldn't start up.

Now I find that I can't use templates. There is not even a templates folder in the organize 
templates module.

The templates exist but just can't be used.

If I try to use a template I get an error message "templates already exists". If I try to open them 
as documents and save them as templates I get another similar error about them already existing- no option to 

Has anyone come across any of this insanity?

-- God bless you
Keith Bates
Narrabri NSW

Jesus is the Way
the Truth and the Life

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God bless you
Keith Bates
Narrabri NSW

Jesus is the Way
the Truth and the Life

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