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On Fri, 03 Feb 2012 19:13:09 -0800, NoOp wrote:

Actually they did indeed make it to OOo-dev 3.4.0
DEV300m106 (Build:9582) as that build has the same issue as LO.
   OK - thanks for the update!

Kamppeter pretty much rocks IMO & if he's aware of the situation you can
pretty much bet that he'll work with you to resolve.
  Fingers crossed he will appear, then...

A possible workaround:

Open spadmin (printer administration) & select the printer
'Properties|Device|Printer Language type: PostScript Level 2. Close
spadmin & open LO (3.3.x or 3.4.x) and you should be ok for that
   That worked fine - many thanks!

Just one concern. Now it's OK for e.g. .xls files, which files might
then cause problems (because now using Postscipt instead of PDF)?
   Presumably whatever types caused the original change from Postscript
to PDF?!
   So what are *they*?


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