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On Fri, 27 Jan 2012 13:35:03 -0500, Don C. Myers wrote:

Ubuntu 11.10 with LibreOffice 3.4.5 downloaded from LibreOffice.

Someone in the Mandriva newsgroup thought you might be interested in
his comments:

" Can't help except perhaps indirectly, sorry.... File prints in LO
3.4.4 here if I have margins set to 0 and text size is right (small
enough),  on two printers and computers wildly different and in Fedora
Core 16 for  Linux side (modern CUPS and Gutenprint). Possibly a
Mandriva-side issue, but the single data point from Ubuntu could be even
margin defaults in drivers from older driver sets (old printer for

I remember having a Epson C84 inkjet printer, and the page as driven by
a much older CUPS than 2.5.6 with Gutenprint only very limitedly linked
in had page offset in mapping (even on test page) with page offset to
left by almost an inch until I told the developer about the problem and
he and I engaged in a month-long conversation in email and the then 
active (Sponsored by the then Mandrake, one of the 
things that drew me to that distro to buy was their sponsored and sponsorship of a bunch of Linux printing driver 
devs) posts that ended up with the printer driver working in 
CUPS-Gutenprint. I would tell him how much I had to adjust page
manually in page offsetting, and he would default that into code.

No internal offset (which during development and adjustment varied a
lot as to which way and how much) and exaggeration of size of font and 
spaces and underline widths which would give a cutoff on right given 
that CUPS treats everything as if it had 300 dots per inch until much 
more recently with Gutenprint doing a lot of the background drivere
work for more than 1000 printers, and HPijs doing driver work for many
HP lasers. General rule, the more modern CUPS and Gutenprint are for 
printing, the better more drivers are. Printer driver developers are 
poor, so they tend to not afford to buy a lot of printers themselves-- 
the C84 was very popular in US, less so in Europe. Now that the printer 
driver devs are getting more feedback faster, drivers are better faster.

He had an Epson C82 to use, donated to him, but the C84 had enough 
differences that a driver had to be extremely adjusted to work with a 
C84. He changed things slowly, told me when a new update was ready, and 
I downloaded the updated driver set often-- I wanted to not spend 
$200.00 US on a good printer to replace my C84.

The Ubuntu user might possibly benefit from this somewhat long post, so 
I include it here for forwarding. Mandriva of PowerPack or 2010
varieties without CUPS and Gutenprint and driver sets updated to 
current, might also have such issues."

As I said earlier, OpenOffice prints the file perfectly...


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