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W dniu 05.01.2012 23:22, Fabian Rodriguez pisze:
I found news articles saying that Libre Office may be available for
Android later this year. Could you clarify that is the case, also if
that will include Impress with reasonable graphics capability. Could you
also say if there is likely to be certain minimum hardware requirements
for the tablet?

I am also thinking about buy tablet with Android to use instead of laptop, but tablets with Tegra-2 are still expansive. The LO and SO/OO always need a planty of RAM so I am thinking that cheap China-branded tablets (500-800MHz@256MB) will be too weak. Is machine code for CPU Cortex more compact than x86/64bit?
*****    Can someone describe the minimum hardware for tablets for LO?

And from other side:
What about mobile phones with Android with desktop resolution like 1280x768 / 1280x800 (like Samsung Galaxy S or Note) - will be LO working on this devices?

If you want to present/render presentations, I'd suggest printing to
PDF, then you can use a free viewer.

Many times is needed to open, edit/change and send/forward in editable format, so PDF is not solution.

Mieszko Kaczmarczyk
Administrator IT

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