To answer my own question:
De problem appears to be related to Qt and occurs under KDE but not
under gnome.
In Kubuntu I installed package gnome (adding 500MB and Unity which is
nice for notebooks but not for a desktop) keeping kwin as window
Then opening a second X session of type gnome I can do the emailmerge
and then quickly change back to KDE on the first session.
Ferry Toth schreef op wo 04-01-2012 om 23:02 [+0100]:
Problem description:
When running mail merge with a document header that contains an image, libre
office crashes without sending the mail.
Steps to reproduce:
Tools > Mail merge Wizard
Fill in all the data to get simplest type of email merge (i.e. Hello <field> somemessage, Bye)
without any special formatting
In the final step (sending the merged document per e-mail) writer crashes.
I have tried sending plain text, as html.
Tried various other data sources.
Tried various mailreader back ends (under <Tools><Options><Internet><E-mail>, I
am hoping this is used for sending?). My default = Evolution, but also tried
Thunderbird and Kmail.
Kubuntu Oneric with LO 3.4.4
This used to work well with LO 3.3.x on Kubuntu, so it is a regression.
Note: the bug or similar is reported on LO bugzilla #43867 except there is reported due to OLE
image in the header.
Any quick fix that will help me send out my mail merge is highly appreciated.
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