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On 01/04/2012 03:00 PM, Theo wrote:
Many thanks for the help. This file contains aspects of our business records for the past 6 years. We had a regular 2 hourly backup scheduled which unhappily has meant our backup data was overwritten with the corrupted file before we knew we had a problem. So we really appreciate the help. Our last uncorrupted backup is from last May!

Opening the file content.xml in Firefox shows a heading thus:

XML Parsing Error: duplicate attribute
Location: file:///home/theo/junk/repair/baddailyturnover/content.xml
Line Number 2, Column 734593:

The line that follows, in red, is more than 15 pages long when copied and pasted to a text document, which itself is 974 pages long.

When previewed in Firefox, the file is converted to html, and in Firefox it can be seen that the affected line seems to be all the entries at the start of the file relating to "style", but I wouldn't know where to look for the error. I tried deleting that line but that didn't work!!
It could be the html code in the line or IMHO a line just prior. My guess is that a tag is not properly closed or the wrong tag format is being used. XML is fussier than html about using the correct tag formats and the like. For example <br> is acceptable html but not acceptable XML, the correct XML is <br />. If the line before the red text has the bad code, deleting the red text will not help.

If you can post a snippet on Nabble someone might sort out the problem.


On 05/01/12 02:41, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
You can usually open xml documents in text-editors such as Notepad, Gedit, Kate or whatever. Notepad doesn't colour-code it but most other ones do after you have changed the view from plain text to something such as html, css or xml or something like that. SciTe is quite good in Windows. Regina's idea of using a web-browser means you can't edit the document (i think) but it's a quick and neat way of getting colour coding without fussing around. Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Wed, 4/1/12, Regina Henschel<>  wrote:

From: Regina Henschel<>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Error in calc file
Date: Wednesday, 4 January, 2012, 12:34

Hi Theo,

Theo schrieb:
On 04/01/12 15:58, Jay Lozier wrote:

On 01/03/2012 08:58 PM, Theo wrote:
I have an error in a spreadsheet on opening.

Any help would be very much appreciated.

Format error discovered in the file in sub-document content.xml
at 2,734592(row,col).



Can you open or create a new spreadsheet in Calc? You might have a
corrupted file. However the ods file can be unzipped and you can open
the xml file inside to text editor.

Thanks for the answer Jay.

I have tried some suggestions found by Googling.

1. I copied the file to a new folder and renames it from .sxc to .zip.
2. I extracted the files within.
3. The content.xml file is big - over 4mb. I tried opening it with gedit
and notepad without success.
4. Opened the file in Windows with notepad and got a mass of text - 4049
lines and 1070 columns.
You can open the content.xml file in a browser for example Firefox. It
shows you the place of the error. After you have repaired one place,
open the file again in the browser to show the next error. If the
browser shows a tree view, the file is successfully repaired.

I guess this means I can edit the text, but what do I edit?

As far as I remember there had been two kind of errors.
(1) There are duplicate attributes. You will see exactly same text
before and after the error mark. Delete one of them.
(2) Instead of one _5f or one _20 you see something like _5f_5f_5f.
Reduce them to one.

These errors had been produced be some developer or beta versions long
ago. Your error might be different, but you should look whether it is
one I had described.

Kind regards

Jay Lozier

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