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On 12/27/2011 12:48 PM, doug wrote:
There is a free book called "Snake Wrangling for Kids, Learning to Program with Python," by Jason R. Briggs. It's not just for kids, and it doesn't "talk down." Downloadable. There are apparently two current versions of Python, ver 2.x and 3.x. The books are slightly different, so see what version of Python you're going to use, and get the correct book. 150 pages, including an index--use your duplex

(I'm running PCLinuxOS, and the current repo has both versions of Python available.)

The book I have says "Linux Edition"--I downloaded it from a Linux machine. There must be another edition for some other OS, don't know what. I don't remember the URL, you'll have to Google for it. The introduction in Chapter 1 indicates that there might also be a print version--maybe O'Reilly?


Thanks for the info. It does not look like the site I found was updated since 2009.

I have Python 2.x and 3.x loaded on my Ubuntu 10.04 desktop and I will use 2.7.2? on my XP and Vista laptops. I was told that more things support 2.7.x, but I could be wrong.

I wonder what version of Python LibreOffice is written in? I will have to switch to that after my initial learning of Python.

I was asked the question about would I be interested in helping the Dev project with some simple Python stuff. If I decide to really learn beyond my needs for Python, I will see how complex the programming is before I decide to get in to Python that far. I have not done any real programming in years, and complex programming in 15-20 years. That complex stuff was before my last two strokes.

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