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Hello Micheal,

Michael Thefrugalcomputerguy schrieb:

I added some information to Bug 36522 - "Formatting: styles aren't
applied correctly."

It has been two weeks and there has been no-update so, according you
the Report a  Bug page, the next step is to send an e-mail here.

My comments added to Bug 36522 are:

My issue is with the Bullets and Numbering Paragraph Style

The Bullets and Numbering 'paragraph style' does not work as well as
the 'list style'

The entire problem/issue is shown in video:

Please review the video and let me know if the functionality is
working as you intended.

Thank you.

It is a good idea to show the problem in a video. I could follow very easily your way of formatting. It works as intended. But I agree that "numbering" is not so simple as it should be and some features are missing.

I see some common miss-understandings in the video.

The "next style" field in the organizer tab does not work to generate a linking. It is only relevant, when you enter a _new_ paragraph after the current. If you will later on change the entry and a next paragraph already exists, this entry has no effect.
A paragraph has no information about the paragraph, which stands before it.

The "outline level" is different from "list level". The "outline level" describes the structure of the whole text as given in chapters and subchapters and is relevant for the navigator. In most cases there is no need to try to organize chapter handling manually. Assigning via Tools > Outline Numbering is sufficient in most cases. Mixing up document structure and lists a very common and results in a lot of errors.

Which list level is used, cannot be determined via paragraph style. This is different from the outline levels, where a paragraph style can be bound to a special outline level using the assigning via Tools > Outline Numbering or via style.

List numbering overrules outline numbering. Unexpected behavior in chapter numbering can often be repaired by removing an assigned list numbering. Context menu > Numering&Bullets > Remove.

In the following I will describe the feature "conditional style" which might help you getting the formatting you want.

From the video I guess, that you want to format a real list. So your setting "outline level" in the paragraph style has to be "body text".

Your problem seems to be, to use a special paragraph style for each numbering level. Such binding is possible via the tab "condition". Therefore you need a "conditional" paragraph style. When you first create the style, you have to check "Conditional style" on the tab "Condition". It has to be done on creating and cannot be done afterwards. Such tab is available, when you build a style as new from "default", "text body", or "list", for example. Use this conditional style for the first numbering level.

In this conditional style you determine, which numbering style is used. Assign this conditional paragraph style to the _whole_ list.

And now the trick to get other paragraph styles for the second and third numbering level: Define the paragraph styles which will be used for the second and third numbering level like normal paragraph styles. Then go to your conditional style, which you have created for the first numbering level. Go to the tab "Condition". Scroll down the list "context" to "2nd numbering level". In the list "Paragraph styles" select your desired style and click on "Apply". Same for the third level.

The effect is, that the way, the list items are shown, now depends on their numbering level. Changing the list level (one of the white arrows in the tool bar) changes the appearance of the list items too.

But it is not the same binding as between outline level and paragraph style. For example you will not be able to search for the paragraph style which is used for the second or third numbering level, because the whole list has only one style.

I hope I could explain some behavior and it is clearer now, what is going on in numbering. (I'm no native speaker, and I hope I have been understandable.)

Kind regards

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