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Hi Tom,

Thank you for the link. I had gone to directly. This link made it easier to find related bugs. I have now posted what I had written here under Bug 41524.

On 12/15/2011 01:58 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
Wow!  Blimey!  Sounds like a nightmare!

Have you had a chance to check to see if there is already a bug-report about this?

Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Thu, 15/12/11, Don C. Myers<>  wrote:

From: Don C. Myers<>
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Printing Multiple Copies Problem
Date: Thursday, 15 December, 2011, 18:07

Hi Everyone,

I'm running LibreOffice (version directly from LibreOffice) 3.4.4 on Ubuntu 11.10. I tried printing 
75 copies of a single sheet with significant graphics (large file size) on a black and white 
Konica-Minolta PagePro 1400w laser printer. I had no idea that LibreOffice would be sending 75 
individual print jobs to the printer instead of 1 print job with 75 copies. It crashed the printer, 
and also the driver after several copies. Then there was the horrendous mess of getting all of the 
unprinted jobs deleted.  I was able to use my inkjet (HP OfficeJet Pro 8000) to finish the printing 
after the laser crashed. Once again individual print jobs were sent for each copy, but the printer 
did not crash. Once everything was printed, I had about 10 minutes of icons coming on the screen 
saying printing started and printing completed when the printing was all done. The icons were 
playing catchup with all of the print jobs. I've tried to research this. The only way I've
  found that you can print a large number of copies is to export the page to pdf, and then print 
the pdf. Programs other than LibreOffice (GEdit, Document Viewer) send 1 job to the printer with 
multiple copies. This problem did not exist in OpenOffice a year ago with whatever was the current 
version of openoffice on Ubuntu 10.10 back then when I printed the same job on the same laser 

Has anyone else had similar problems, or does anyone have any other solutions? I filed a bug report 
in bug 33696 on It may not have been the best place for it since that was a bug 
report for a 3.3x version and for Windows.



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