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Ian Whitfield wrote:
1) How do I work out what ROW NUMBER a given unique value is on?
2) How do I use this ROW NUMBER to make-up a valid CELL ADDRESS?
3) How do I get the VALUE in that CELL ADDRESS?
2) For the CELL ADDRESS I have a cell that identifies each COLUMN that these
values resides in (ie all my TOTALS are in COLUMN H), and I now have the ROW
COUNT of the data I'm looking for. So I can use


3) The last step is to get the VALUE that is in the Cell at that location.
For this I used


I prefer using OFFSET(), rather than INDIRECT().  Here's an example:

Column A contains the name of fruits, column B contains the quantity.
Let's say A2 contains "Apples", B2 contains "12", A3 contains "Pears"
and B3 contains "7".  If I want to know how many "Pears" I have, I
would use something like this:
= OFFSET(A2, MATCH("Pears", A2:A3, 0) - 1, 1)

The result would be "7" (the value in the second column).

Obviously, you can replace "Pears" with "Apples" or a cell reference.


Ok then.  Just thought I'd give you another suggestion.

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