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Hi All

Thanks for all the help offered by the Group - It's very much appreciated!! And with this help - although I never got an exact answer - I have been able to solve it!!

Basically my question could be broken down into three parts....

1) How do I work out what ROW NUMBER a given unique value is on?
2) How do I use this ROW NUMBER to make-up a valid CELL ADDRESS?
3) How do I get the VALUE in that CELL ADDRESS?

After a lot of trial and error - and with the pointers given to me by the Group I was able to 'crack' it!!

1) For the ROW NUMBER I used MATCH. At first this did not give me what I wanted as MATCH returns the ROW COUNT within a specified Array and NOT the actual ROW NUMBER! Then it occurred to me that if I make the Array the whole portion of the spreadsheet where the numbers are, starting at Row 1, and not just there actual position of the values I wanted to check in then the ROW COUNT returned by MATCH would in fact be the actual ROW NUMBER!! Problem solved, so

"=MATCH(Unique Number,Array)"
Where - 'Unique Number' is a value I put in a fixed cell so I use this Cell address and the 'Array' is the whole section of the Spreadsheet where these numbers are, (ie I have the numbers 1 to 12 in positions A7 to A18 so for the Array I specify *A1*:A18 so that the ROW COUNT matches the ROW NUMBER).

2) For the CELL ADDRESS I have a cell that identifies each COLUMN that these values resides in (ie all my TOTALS are in COLUMN H), and I now have the ROW COUNT of the data I'm looking for. So I can use


3) The last step is to get the VALUE that is in the Cell at that location. For this I used



I can now change ONE VALUE in a cell (ie this month I'm working with December figures so I enter "12" into the cell), and ALL my values change automatically for that month. No more endless Cutting and Pasting!!

Thanks again guys - I hope this explanation will be of interest to you and maybe of use to other users trying to automate yearly figures to do monthly analysis.

Ian Whitfield.

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