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The "If 'Month'=Jan then Row=1" relationship can be a VLOOKUP, MATCH and INDEX family of spreadsheet functions. I have sometimes used the INDIRECT functions but these get very cumbersome and fragile.

This looks like it would be better done as a query in Base. I used combinations of spreadsheets, for the raw data, and databases for the monthly reporting in my budget/expense tracking work.
David S. Crampton

On Fri, 09 Dec 2011 04:12:23 -0800, Ian Whitfield <> wrote:

Hi All

I have a spread sheet in LO 3.4.3 where I record and analyse monthly numbers and amounts for a electricity bill.
The figures for each month are all in one Row.

Below this I have "Allocation Blocks" that allocate the top figures to different sub-users.
Like this...

       A     B    C     D
1   Jan   00   00   00  ........etc
2   Fed   00   00   00  ........etc
3   Mar   00   00   00  ........etc
4   Apr   00   00   00  .........etc


Name - Cell n + Cell n   (where the 'n' has to be the correct Month Row)
Name - Cell n + Cell n   (ie it increments by one for each month)

I have simplified the above but this is the basic concept.

How can I modify the formula to pick-up the correct Row for the month I wish to do the analysis - and printout the report for? Is there a way to pick-up the 'Month' in the Analysis Block and use this to select the correct row?
(In Basic this would have been "If 'Month'=Jan then Row=1" etc etc

Hope you follow me. Thanks for any help.

Ian Whitfield.

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